GateMate FPGA Starter Kit

GateMateTM FPGA Starter Kit

Congratulations to your GateMateTM FPGA Starter Kit!

Start directly with your application development! The Starter Kit is a feature-rich and ready-to-use development platform for the CCGM1A1. The GateMate A1 is the smallest-dimensioned component of the GateMate Series. With its 20,480 logic elements, it is ideally suited for lowest-power applications.

The Starter Kit serves as a reference design and for a direct entry into application development. User applications can be tailored to each of the six available I/O banks. Attaching additional hardware is a breeze thanks to the Pmod connectors: They allow access to a variety of peripheral boards, including motor controllers, sensors, displays and more.

In addition to the evaluation board, the kit includes a programming adapter with a flat ribbon cable. It is not intended for use with the evalboard, but a good help for your own hardware with GateMate FPGA.

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Getting Started

Cologne Chip offers extensive information and documentation on its product pages. Follow the links below for more information about the FPGA and the evaluation board.
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The Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite is used to perform RTL synthesis. It has extensive Verilog support. VHDL sources can be synthesized via GHDL through the ghdl-yosys-plugin. Other HDLs or tools with Verilog backend can also be used.

Synthesis generates a gate-level representation of the design entry in form of a Verilog netlist of architecture-specific primitives. It can be simulated or passed to the Place and Route tool for implementation and bitstream generation. Furthermore, simulation of the resulting netlist with back-annotated timing delays can be done using third-party simulators such as Icarus Verilog together with the GTKWave waveform viewer.

Configuration bitstreams are loaded into the FPGA or an external flash memory via openFPGALoader.

The Quick Start Guide helps implementing your first design for the new GateMate FPGA. Together with a detailed description of how to install the tools, it can be found here:
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Experienced users can obtain the toolchain from the original source and build it themselves. In this way, latest features are always available immediately. However, Cologne Chip also provide pre-build binaries for Linux and Windows environments in the download section:
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Cologne Chip provides a comprehensive technical support. Feel free to contact our support and sales teams for more information.


The GateMate FPGA Starter Kit consists of

  1. CCGM1A1/A2/A4 Evaluation Board
  2. Programmer
  3. Flat Ribbon Cable
  4. USB Cable